Do What Works For You 🤟🏽

Hi friends!

As you all know I’m a huge learning and productivity geek - so I’m always trying to optimise my days to make sure I get the most out of them.


Although it can be a struggle at times, I absolutely LOVE early mornings, so I don’t want to waste the precious time I have. I’ve always tried to research, emulate and create the ‘best morning routine and I came across this book: “My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired” by Benjamin Spall.

I read through it and it was interesting to learn what the most successful folks in this world do in their mornings! There were interesting trends that I picked up from each of them: for example, most of them mentioned getting their exercise done in the morning (whether it’s yoga, running or weight training) because they get something that’s important checked off at the start of the day.

More than that - I realized that everyone’s routine was different and that’s because everyone is different! What works for someone, may not work for you.

I had been trying so hard to fit myself into a particular routine that I thought would be great for me - but when I tried to implement the routine, it completely flopped. So I pivoted - I tried, and I tweaked - I finally found an ideal morning routine that works for me! Every morning doesn’t look the same for me, but it works, and honestly, the routine continues to change till this day.

While it’s good to get an idea of what others are doing to learn and get exposed to more ideas - remember that only you know what works best for you. Don’t limit yourself to what others have done, and don’t be afraid to explore other ways and options.

Do what works best for you :)

I’m curious to know - do you all have a morning / evening routine? Do share if you have one, I’d love to know what it’s like!

Till next week!



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